Art of Crashing a Motorcyle in Chiang Mai

Mini Guesthouse, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Returning to familiar spots in Thailand gives me some sense of place or “home.” Settling seems part of my distant future. Two all night bus rides this week leading to sleep deprivation, but I can’t keep myself cooped up napping. Sights to see!

Rented a motorbike from Tony’s Big Bikes in Chiang Mai and headed north. After my belt broke and I was stranded on the side of road for a few hours, we eventually made it to Thaton, and stayed in a beautiful cottage on the banks of the Kok River. Continued the long motorbike ride to Chiang Rai where we saw the famous white temple.

As the sun began to set on the horizon, I revved the engine of my motorcycle and set off on the ride home. The wind whipped through my hair as I weaved in and out of traffic, the thrill of the open road coursing through my veins.

But just as I was starting to relax, a truck in front of me signaled that he was turning left. Without thinking, I began to pass him on the right, eager to get home as quickly as possible.

But as I neared the truck, I realized with a start that the driver had begun to veer right, directly into my path. I clenched my fists around the handlebars, my heart pounding in my chest as I desperately tried to brake.

But it was too late. My bike went down, and I felt myself sliding across the pavement. I closed my eyes, bracing for the impact, but to my surprise, I felt nothing more than a bruise and a few thousand baht in bike damage.

I had been saved by my protective gear. I couldn’t help but feel grateful as I picked up my bike and rode it back home, the memory of the close call still fresh in my mind. And I knew that I will have to be more cautious next time.

Strolled around the Sunday night market in Chiang Mai and enjoyed an all you can eat, cook yourself BBQ. “Travel” officially begins as I head to Philippines.