Sleeping under the stars in El Nido

Cebu, Philippines, Oceanjet Sea Voyage from Tagbilaran en route to El Nido

Closing my eyes as the wind blows through my hair. Boat engine rumbles beneath the deck. T-shirts flapping in the breeze. Calmness among passengers – nowhere to wander only bask in their seat.

Woman praying rosary with expressionless conviction. Leaving one island of memories and onward to the next – another opportunity to recreate oneself. If actions speak louder than words, what are the implications of my actions and what mindset will help me achieve a greater sense of inner peace and satisfaction. Capturing the beauty of the landscape. Seeking angles not witnessed before.

Plaza Inn, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines

Independence. Living freely. The island provides. Everything must be treated as a poker game. Careful not to manipulate. Six hour bus ride from Puerto Princessa to El Nido. Managed to bargain my ride down to 300 pesos. Claimed I didn’t mind waiting for the non-AC Roras bus and stood my ground even when attendant lowered the offer to 350. Upon arrival in El Nido, I did the math. 1,020 pesos in my pouch, enough for 3 days survival. Marched past all the guesthouses. 5 nights in El Nido plus at least a 300 peso ride back. Survival mode to the end of the beach. Set up camp on the rocky sand, slept under the stars.

Bargained my accommodation for nights 2&3 at Plaza Inn for 300 pesos per night (500 asking price). Long walk down the beach with coconut trees. Spent 20 minutes tossing old coconuts at desired coconuts to no avail. Found a long poker stick and managed to pluck four off. Great sense of accomplishment as I tore into the coconut. Much needed nourishment. Living more humbly than the locals as I walked 13.39 miles and only had 4 coconuts. Walking around envying full bellies. 25,911 steps today. How much longer can my body endure? What did I do to deserve this? Why does food require currency?

The early bird caught the worm. Stumbled upon 1100 pesos on the ground en route to the secluded beach with bountiful coconut trees. Very few points in my life when I needed this ground score more. Went from desperate hunger to a casual sunrise stroll, found the meatiest coconut and filled my belly. Poured excess juice into water bottle. Felt like a cave man bashing coconuts on stumps. Content. My luck seems beyond coincidental.

What I thought consisted of a row of coconut poker sticks turned out to be a fence for cows. Sure enough, as I enjoyed my feast, with my poker stick in hand, a herd of cows came across the fence and out onto the beach. I frantically corralled them back to their land and restored the poker stick.

A pack of defensive dogs cut my exploration trip short as I ventured further down the beach. Enjoyed my first meal in El Nido: Thai Curry chicken with rice, lettuce, carrots and watermelon, on the beach. Reconnected to Wifi and no surprise to find a few “You alive?” messages from my Mom.