Arriving in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
As I made my way through the bustling streets of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, my heart raced with a mixture of excitement and fear. This was new territory for me, and the throngs of taxi drivers and tour guides that swarmed around me as I exited the terminal or train station made me feel a little overwhelmed. I knew new friends awaited around the next corner. No matter how I’m feeling, I paint a smile on my face as I walk down the street. Inevitably contagious smiles spread – new cities offer new ripple effect opportunities. Careful choosing my words, my body language – despite little odds of encountering the same individual again, my ripple effects can’t go unrippled.

New friends around every corner
Tomorrow I will seek positivity. I will meet a stranger and ask them more questions than they ask me.
One of the highlights of my trip to Yogyakarta was visiting the ancient Buddhist temple of Borobudur. As I made my way up the steep stairs to the top of the temple, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe and reverence. The intricate carvings and statues that adorned the walls of the temple were truly breathtaking, and I felt a sense of peace and calm wash over me as I took in the stunning views.
But despite the beauty of Borobudur, I couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed by the throngs of tourists that swarmed around me, jostling for the perfect photo opportunity. It felt more like a tourist jungle gym than a sacred spot of reverence, and I couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.

The citizens of Java made me feel like a pseudo celebrity with countless requests to take pictures with me, hear my story, with such light and promise in their eyes. What bits of advice may change their life for the better? Is it possible to transform someone from a caterpillar to a butterfly in one short conversation?
I couldn’t wait to see what the next destination had in store for me and what new friends awaited around the next corner.