Selamat Tahun Baru in Gili Trawangan

Tidar Hotel, Lembar, Lombok, Indonesia

Listening carefully for the clip clop of horse carts barreling down the road pulling tourists with their shiny luggage cases being whisked off to their swanky hotel destinations.

Basic Bahasa

Senang Berjumpa Anda – Nice to meet you.

Saya Mo Pergi Coo Sulawesi – I am going to Sulawesi.

Mao Pergi mena? Where are you going?

Si Apa Nama Moo? What is your name?

Camoo besar da di mena? Where are you from?

Selamat Tahun Baru. Happy new year!

Aiming to exhibit qualities of a traveler and less of a tourist. Immersion into local cultures. Find ways off the beaten path. The future self has all the answers. Generate 1,000 smiles a day. Seek paths beyond the norm. Blaze trails, warp minds, attempt influential conversations constantly.

Bottomless waffles at LaBoheme Backpacker Hostel

The scent of slightly over cooked waffles at LaBoheme Backpacker Hostel wakes me up out of bed and into the lounge area, one in the same, and the warming sense of camaraderie among a group of fellow travelers.

Met Stephanie from Canada, who said that she trusted her future self. Met Mike from San Diego, a drone filmmaker with a keen awareness of space exploration. He walked for an entire month in Thailand barefoot.

One must attempt to be a “positive” statistical coefficient. Determine if those that I have engaged in meaningful conversation with have some increased likelihood for a subjective measure of success – curious how to measure this “influence” coefficient and assess statistical significance.

Feeling increased potential to change the world, accelerated by hostel living – each individual whose mind becomes altered may return to respective country and introduce change. Flight booked to India – applied for Sri Lankan visa. Tire exploded on bus, as if an exploding missile, ringing in my ear drums.