Jovial family bus ride to Pasikuda Beach

Stayed at Inn of the Bay (1000 Rupees), Pasikuda Beach, Kalkudah, Sri Lanka

Carrying on a series of observation or participation scenarios. Skipped Orrs Hill Walk. Made my way to the bus stand. En route I met a driver who said I should join this family who had rented a bus to go down to Pasikuda Beach. Witnessed a beautiful tight nit family that welcomed me to observe and participate in their family vacation, and I ended up having a genuinely fun time….Best day in a while. We stopped at Marble Beach.

Marble Beach

Then onto Seruwawila Temple. I laid flowers on the Buddhist alter, then bowed and asked for peace, happiness, clarity, and humility.

As the rain came down, we found a shelter and the family worked as a team to make a deliciously spiced,  wonderful rice and dhal and dried fish meal.

My bits of Sinhalese truly helped break down barriers. “neo mai  – good food.”

Dance party in the middle of the bus aisle

As we made our way down to Pasikuda, they urged me to join the dance party in the middle of the bus aisle. Incredibly fun time dancing silly Sri Lankan dance moves.

While we could not communicate through language, we exchanged genuine eye contact and warm smiles. Felt a strong connection to the family as we bounced around the aisle.

Snail crawling at Pasikuda Beach, Kalkudah, Sri Lanka

Passing onward to Arugam Bay next.

Erase the past as you forge a new future.