Brihadeeswarar Temple in Thanjavur

Bus from Pondicherry to Thanjavur

When a sense of higher purpose presents itself, fear retreats, fatigue no longer surfaces. Long honking-filled bus ride to Thanjavur. Gave the Palace ticket counter worker a hard time for charging “foreigner” price. After 4 months of travel, I refuse to pay more than 10 rupees to see another temple or pretty monument. I’m happy walking right, happy walking left. Few conversations with locals, one group of aspiring physical therapists, another group of mechanics. Contemplation of home, the comforts, calmness of the states – incredibly different way of life.

Stayed at Royal Lodge, Thanjavur, India (210 Rupees)

Each moment offers another chance to spread positivity, give confidence, uplift spirits. Give me the strength to do what is right. Just because something operates a certain way, doesn’t mean that it will continue in this manner. Repeat in your head: If it is to be, it is up to me.

Visited Brihadeeswarar Temple

Visited Brihadeeswarar Temple built during the reign of Raja Raja Chola I. Did one loop without taking out my camera – taking in the magnificence of the structure.

Ran into a group of school kids who blanketed me with questions. I maintained my energy, shared a few stories, and upon saying goodbye, the 30 students started clapping. Walking tall, feeling like a giant, wandering around the side streets. Met several nice families. One family invited me for coffee, another family gave me mango juice. Went inside one family’s house, who make exquisitely designed guitar-like instruments.

I feel more welcomed in places I don’t belong. Wandering slowly through the side streets – stopping at each abode that welcomes me. 16,139 steps today. The more one travels, the more the earth becomes a reflection of one’s energy.