Swimming off the Southern Tip of India: Kanyakumari

Sunrise swim off the Southern tip of India in Kanyakumari at the confluence of the Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea. Laid motionless on my back, eyes closed, taking deep breaths, filling my lungs with buoyant air. Clearing the mind and effortlessly staying afloat.

Sometimes you must go down the wrong path to discover the right path.

-Feb. 2015, Kanyakumari, India

Attending service at Our Lady of Ransom Church

Prayed at Our Lady of Ransom Church and kept repeating in my mind, “Bring me closer to truth, give me the strength to do what is right.” Asked for direction and guidance. What duty best employs my knowledge and talents? As I prayed, the church filled with hundreds of women dressed in colorful shawls and scarves. Found myself taking part in the prayer service, following suit as everyone knelt, stood, bowed – repeat. My knees begged me to exit and the service was held in the local dialect, so I only felt slightly guilty dipping out early. Curious as to why so few men attended the service.

Guganathaswamy Temple – 1,000 year old temple dedicated to Lord Shiva

Sat at the edge near the Southern most part of India during sunset. Visited the Guganathaswamy Temple, a 1,000 year old temple dedicated to Lord Shiva constructed by King Raja Chola.

Whispers from distant lands, dawn approaching, flowers shivering, time passes, moments unfold as the fields of butterflies spread wings and flutter gracefully to the nectar, fruits soften, moments before daylight breaks upon the horizon, down by the sea side, nature’s love fills the sky’s canvas. Plumeria petals cast a spell on the senses. Dancing daisies, dazzling bright.

-Feb. 2015, Yamuna Lodge, Kanyakumari, India

Highlights of India so far…

Strolling through the bustling veggie, fruit and Hindu flower market called Gandhi market, dancing wildly in an election festival and being hoisted on people’s shoulders, getting my picture in the local newspaper, walking down Marina Beach, meditating in Sri Aurobindo’s Ashram, volleyball with locals, admiring the magnificence of Rajaraja’s big temple in Tanjore, scents of Meenakshi Amman Temple Flower Market, scenic train ride to Rameswaram Island, long hike to Dhanushkodi Beach, lunch with villagers, relaxing on an empty beach, swimming off the Southern tip of India.

I am writing this at the Cape, in front of the sea, where three waters meet and furnish a sight unequalled in the world. For this is no port of call for vessels. Like the goddess, the waters around are virgin.

 -Mahatma Gandhi at Kanyakumari