Cottage industries at Kovalam Beach

Wilson Ayurvedic Beach Resorts, Kovalam Beach, India (350 Rupees) 1-3-15  

Enter twisted patterns of self-reflection. Inward retrospection on empty streets lined with broken dreams. Moments of introspection at peaks of Himalayan paths. Awaiting my footsteps, my ambition resembling a crowned champion yet quietly I’ll climb, alone with no reward but the conquering of self.

Bodysurfing at Kovalam, Beach

Euphoric moment upon reaching Kovalam Beach as I didn’t expect to experience such a clean beach here in India. Swim out to a depth just beyond where my feet can touch. Observe the incoming swells. Waiting for the “one.” Upon spotting it, I turn towards shore, turn on the jets, timing it so I reach my top speed just as the wave starts to break. The moment comes, the wave picks me up, I spread my arms and fly.

Pulling a fishing net ashore

Simple day walking back and forth – another paradise beach. My hotel, Wilson Ayurvedic Beach Resorts, features a pool, Wifi, shower, and a clean room. I bargained the owner down to just under $6/night. Watched a man diving for clams – envy his survival lifestyle in some ways. Helped local fishermen play tug o’ war with a fishing net, very challenging. Felt weak, giving up after two rotations, having the excuse that I didn’t want blisters.

A tussle on the beach

Observed a few grown men legitimately scuffling in the waves. Police man with shoes on walked into the water and blew his whistle and told men to come ashore. They walked up to him like misbehaving students on a playground.

Debating how long to stay here. I have everything I need, but more adventures tempt me back on the road. 3-4 days seems to be my max threshold for staying in one place.

Mid-morning musings on an empty beach

Impartial judges, cooperative learning curves, curiously meandering freely, carelessly crossing vast expanses of dust covered earth, simple diet, eventful dreams, diverse sensory intake throughout days characterized by nothing but an end of the road seeking mentality. What can I do, just one finite man? Scalable outlets encourage greater potential to change others’ behavior. Repetitive circumstances, veteran responses, paint pours across the veranda, open windows welcome rays of wisdom.

Local fishing village tour

Sitting amongst large boulders with calming wave sounds easing my mind, considering the inseparable nature of the wave’s troughs and crests. Ventured past a few mosques into a quaint fishing village – 10,000 fishermen with 3,000 boats. A guy who considered himself a photographer insisted on “guiding” me through the town. I observed fishermen mending nets, sitting in circles playing cards, boats arriving to a crowd of buyers and sellers, auction taking place right on the shoreline. My guide said fishermen make between 500 – 3,000 rupees per day, aided handsomely by tourists dining at overpriced restaurants just down the road. Life seemed simple and comfortable for the village.

Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists…we all share the same sun, breathe the same air and drink the same water. Created by the same Creator.

Feb. 2015, Kovalam, India

Nature’s love fills the sky’s canvas (16,520 steps   8.5 miles)

Birds singing in harmony, the crab, ever vigilant, buries himself beneath a thin layer of sand on Kovalam Beach. The distant twirling beacon of the Vizhinjam Lighthouse emits a pulsing light for sailors at sea.

Self-sustaining cottage industry: Coconut village

Arrived upon a “coconut village” where a man and woman used wooden sticks to beat coconut fibers. Tuk tuks drive off, packed full of finished coconut rope, the definition of a self-sustaining cottage industry.

Cracking open freshly-plucked coconuts

Met a group of village men, had a nice chat by the seaside. One guy climbed a coconut tree, knocked a few coconuts down and we began bashing them open against the rocks bringing back memories of my survival quest in El Nido. Quite a nice snack and drink at the halfway point of a sweltering walk. Difficult to express how calm my mind gets on some occasions. At some points, even my inner voice has nothing to say. Complete silence of the mind. Sat on the soft sand, watching the sun’s rays peak through the clouds. Felt a giddy feeling as I contemplate Earth’s rotation around the sun.

One doesn’t need to feed the ego with publicity, simply carry on in silence, with the understanding that subtle movements or even complete stillness bears more truth than outward attempts for societal approval.