Self-sustained eco-community of Amma’s Ashram

Amma’s Ashram, (250 Rupees) Amritapuri, India 8-3-15

Consider the self part of the whole, not just among the human species, but among all living organisms. A piece of fruit resembles a fingernail of the earth. Elegantly blended together, life flourishes here on earth, yet man must return to natural instincts, realign with the harmonious balance of nature.

Community vibes abound at Amma’s Ashram

My first experience living in an Ashram. Simple rooms with mats on the floor. Two roommates, Martin from Australia, Michael from Germany. Folks wearing all white. Simple vegetarian meals. Optional volunteer work. Settling in, but not sure how to assess this place. I keep thinking about how to suppress ego. Wondering how to get the most out of this experience. Must try Hatha yoga and learn more about Ayurveda treatment.

Humanitarian works of Amma

Watched video on Amma – she commits herself physically and emotionally embraces others tirelessly while directing massive relief efforts for tsunami victims, earthquake disasters, hurricanes and large scale home construction projects. The orientation meeting speaker referred to her followers as disciples. Unconditional love seems to be the theme here. But no one can physically embrace another except Amma. Indian culture requires better understanding. Our ability to project energy, and our thoughts possess infinite consequences. Do we possess the ability to influence specific people via our thoughts?

9-3-15   Amma’s Ashram, Amritupuri, India      18,771 steps 9.68 miles

Mind, soul, ego, love, indulgence… names and labels for everything. Must set out to serve. Speak through actions. Never criticize, condemn or complain. Open mind, take courageous steps. Ignite passion. Clean slate. Part of the whole, one warm glance can make all the difference. Enjoy the peace.

Seva duties washing dishings

Performed my seva duties alongside roommate, Martin, washing dishes. Took great enjoyment performing this simple task. Travel affords fewer obvious opportunities for tangible service. My position involved rinsing and handing off dishes to Martin today. Loving the simplicity of the ashram lifestyle. Surrender the ego.

Simple lodgings and cafeteria style dining

Happy as can be sleeping on a mat on the floor, taking my rice and curry splashed on my plate and eating with my hands. Meditated on the meditation beach. Climate change discussion with Linda – she rides her bike, camps, and buses her way along the U.S. western coast. Generates very little trash. Packaging promotes profit and smaller packaging raises profit margins. Amma’s Ashram’s cafeteria style dining involves feeding thousands of people a day with zero waste on plastic.

Disconnecting the phone and connecting with the surroundings

Walked passed Amrita Herbal Garden as well as the impressive Ayurveda hospital. Felt an incredible sense of calm today. Didn’t take my camera phone with me and felt the difference with each stride. Peaceful afternoon nap. No meat or fish in the past week. I sense my dreams become more peaceful with a simple diet. Perhaps I’ll return to Amma’s one day when she is around.

10-3-15  Amma’s Ashram, Amritapuri, India   18,327 steps  9.5 miles

No duty too humble to accept. Must set out to serve. In service comes satisfaction. Oblivious to world events outside the ashram. Must embrace the community. Talk very seldom. Silent retrospection. Think carefully about each word. Ensure that each action and sound involves the truth. Maintain positive energy.

Seva duties collecting and sorting trash

Amma’s Ashram presents a fabulous example as to how communities could operate in a self-sustained and eco-friendly manner, without the need to exchange currency for labor. Today’s seva duty required me to set an alarm clock, something I haven’t done in quite some time, but I woke with a sense of purpose. Made my way to the ecology center and observed the recycling operation. Rode around on the garbage truck, hopping out, picking up the trash bins and replacing them with new bins.

Carefully sorting waste and sweeping the floors

Various bins for different types of waste: paper, plastic, sharps, garden waste, and food waste. Excellent soil composting operation which provides soil for farmers in the surrounding areas. My coworkers gave me instructions on how to go about sweeping the floor. Took great pride in this task and felt engaged in the community.

Introduction to Krishna Consciousness

During a long walk outside the Ashram, a guy on the street, named Minoj, invited me into a home, to which I obliged. He led me into a room and introduced me to a man with his forehead painted and seated in the lotus position with a heavy Russian accent who proceeded to teach me about Krishna consciousness. Following the discussion we performed mantra meditation reciting, “Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare,” 108 times along with Minoj as we cycled through prayer beads with each successive mantra. Nice moment of reflection meditating on meditation beach for sunset. Great conversation with Martin and Linda about climate change.

11-3-15 Amma’s Ashram, Amritapuri, India

Intertwined with fate, influence spreading. Crow ate from my hand, perfection of thoughts, serenity. Willing to fill the role of humanity’s needs. Continue moving down the road. New moments, new streets. Allow curiosity to open new doors into exploring the mind’s capacity. A breeze wafts into the open window as I admire the view of the ocean and backwaters.