Boaters waving on the Alleppey Backwaters

12-3-15 Lemon Dew, Alleppey backwaters, India

Birds singing melodies, fulfilling fantasies traveling about. Do tell the direction of the ocean’s edge. Floral purple pattern curtain stands idle in this stifling room, must get on the road with my camera lens.

Dreamt of an amazing sunset during my afternoon nap. Missed the sunset. Define present moment: Right now. All that there is. Everything moving. Everything that ever happened up until now. The mind moves quickly now. In a straight line. Fluid. No barriers. Simply motion – forward – direction north. Rotating freely as if an electron around an atom. Earth can be viewed as an atom or one elaborate cell.

Ripple effects of a word muttered

Present moment dictates that I move. We’re different bits of energy reflecting off one another. Release I, me and my. Brain waves sending and collecting signals. Observing to the point of exhaustion. Sharing bits of information at varying levels of fatigue. It is all but dirt… Connect physical energy first. Connecting the dots second. Each phrase uttered sends one vibration but now belongs to the whole, creating a series of ripple effects, altering the course for eternity. Chase unfamiliar vibrations.

13-3-15  Lemon Dew, Alleppey backwaters , India

Just because one speaks into a microphone, doesn’t mean they have the most important thing to say. You compose a reflection of everything your energy has come into contact with. The less contemplation on possession, the more one actually owns. If one experiments with truth and makes a claim, the best way to prove the claim involves keeping as many variables as possible the same, and repeating the experiment.