Arrival at Vipassana retreat in Chengannur

Santhi Palace, Chengannur, India (13-3-15)

Silent observer, making calculations, the body changing, soul and spirit source memories and bits of knowledge. Love spreads as tears well up in the eyes. Understanding the concept of oneness, but feeling very much alone.

As resources dwindle, traits valued will shed those not equipped to change. Accept ignorance or shout truth from the rooftops, preparing the mind for extreme solitude. Experiment with sending brain waves. Our thoughts have infinite consequences.

Seeking simple everything

The ground shook, recognizing the overwhelming negative energies that must be repaired. Artificial labels, borders, words and meanings. We simply require humility and simple everything. Return to a natural state. The future will recognize where change sourced from. For now, walk gently, aim for no attention. Simply change and move forward.

Each movement possesses a reason

Integrate with the material world, despite lack of interest in its ongoings, listen to the signals not obvious to the senses. Examine movements knowing that each movement possesses a reason. Powerful meanings derived from subtle cues.

What dreams are made of

Universe slowly discovering itself. Consciousness pertains to the spirit and soul, but very much simply a biological process going on inside the brain. As a computer stores memory, humans recall parts of the past. Computers generate random codes, humans dream, however the dreams take on story-lines, not so random, dependent on the stored memories. Familiar faces show themselves.

Ant Communication via Trail pheromones

Vibrations emanate from the spirit, speaking the same language of monkey see, monkey do. Observed ants on a power line. As each ant ran into another ant walking in the opposite direction, they meet for a moment, appearing to lock antennas and move along, performing this action each time another ant passes. Ants communicate via chemicals in the form of pheromones. Such an efficient data exchange. The language of nature. Wondering if I took an Indian ant and dropped it in America among a group of the same ant species, if the foreign ant could translate the pheromone trails. How “should” humans communicate most efficiently? What information must we pass along to each passerby? Return to the language of nature, universally recognized vibrations.